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Saturday, December 25, 2010


Twelve differences between those who dream and those who act:

1- Wanna-be's obsess about ideas.
Entrepreneurs obsess about 

2- Wanna-be's want more web traffic.
Entrepreneurs focus on sales 

3- Wanna-be's focus on positive thinking.
Entrepreneurs plan for 
multiple contingencies.

4- Wanna-be's want to get on TV and get famous.
 build their list.

5- Wanna-be's seek a perfect plan.
Entrepreneurs execute and adjust 
the plan later.

6- Wanna-be's wait for their lucky break.
Entrepreneurs engineer 
four, five, six plans and execute them in tandem, wagering that at
 least one plan will get traction.

7- Wanna-be's fear looking stupid in front of their friends.
Entrepreneurs willingly risk making fools of themselves


8- Wanna-be's shield their precious ideas from harsh reality,
postponing the verdict of success or failure until 'someday'.

Entrepreneurs expose their ideas to cold reality as soon as
 reasonably possible.

9- Wanna-be's put off practicing basketball until they've got Air
 Jordans. Entrepreneurs practice barefoot behind the garage.

10- Wanna-be's believe what they're told, believe their own 
assumptions. Entrepreneurs do original research and determine what paths have 
been already tried.

11- Wanna-be's believe they can do anything.
Entrepreneurs do what 
they're gifted for and delegate the rest.

12- Wanna-be's think about the world in terms of COULD and SHOULD.
Entrepreneurs think in terms of IS and CAN BE.

So, what are you?